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About FOSS

At Steep C of E Primary School we are very fortunate to have an active Friends of Steep School (FOSS) association who work together with the school community to plan events and activities. The aim of FOSS is to support the school in order to enrich the resources available to our children. FOSS aims to plan a variety of activities throughout the school year to bring everyone together and raise some vital pennies, and hopefully pounds, for the school.

All parents are automatically members of FOSS and are invited to join the FOSS AGM which we hold each January. The current committee consists of Abby, Treasurer and Jo, Secretary, and we are kept on the straight and narrow by our Chair, Helen. If anyone has a specific skill set or would like to get involved in any way, however small, it would be greatly appreciated. We aim to keep you all updated through email newsletters and social media updates via Facebook and WhatsApp.

Money Raised

All money raised is for the benefit of the children at school. The money raised in 2022 was used to continue updating the IT equipment and resources to ensure the children are well equipped for the future. Plans for the 2023 funds have so far been allocated to continuing the IT equipment supply, provision of all school music lessons and the improvement of outside spaces with resources for gardening and outdoor learning.



Events are planned throughout the year and are communicated via the school and on our FOSS Facebook group that can be found here.

Highlights include:

  • September Welcome Picnic
  • Adult only Quiz Night
  • Bonfire Night catering
  • Christmas Fair
  • Wreath Making
  • Kids DISCO
  • Summer Fair

Other Fundraising

Your School Lottery

FOSS participates in ‘Your School Lottery’ - it’s simple to set up and each week there is a cash prize to be won which can be either kept or donated back to the school. Sign up using the link: Steep C of E Primary school. It is £1 a ticket and there are plenty of sign up options, depending on how much you want to spend.

Clothes Recycling

The FOSS clothing bank (in the carpark at Steep Village Hall) raises 35p for every kg collected. Clean bagged textiles, shoes, clothes, bed linen, towels, handbags and old teddies are all accepted. Obviously the heavier the better! So, if you’re having a clear out do bag up any donations and drop them off.

Pre-loved uniform

FOSS gladly accepts donations of any clean, usable pre-loved uniform that is no longer required. We pass this onto anyone within the school community to reduce waste and raise extra funds.

Party Pack

Our FOSS reusable party pack includes enough plastic plates, cups & bowls for 30 children, plus jugs & serving platters. At £10 a hire it is cheaper than buying disposable & saves a lot of party waste from landfill too. Book using this link: https://forms.gle/6MXKBPV4FW1PoUGE

Cake Raffle

Every Friday (in term time) FOSS have a cake raffle at school. All baking organised by Sandie. Raffle tickets are 10p each and Steep pupils can bring in up to £2 to buy tickets during the school day. The lucky winner gets to take home a delicious homemade cake. Yum!


If you are feeling super generous or your bank balance just keeps getting bigger, you are always very welcome to offload it to us via bank transfer or payment link: https://pay.sumup.io/b2c/QSWR9ANO every little helps.

Any questions? Join our Facebook group or email friendsofsteepschool@gmail.com



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