Music plays an important role at Steep. It connects people and places in a changing world. It can be creative, collaborative, celebratory and challenging. At Steep music brings people together through listening, evaluating, practise and performance. The sheer joy of enjoying music can feed the soul and enrich every child helping them to build their cultural capital.
In class music lessons at Steep children use a range of instruments to develop musical skills and an understanding of the elements of pitch, rhythm, timbre, tempo and dynamics, through composing and performing. They also learn how to listen to and appreciate a wide range of musical styles from different composers.
All children participate in singing within class music lessons and as a school during collective worship. Through the Hampshire Music “Listen to Me” programme all children in Years 2, 3, 4 and 5 learn to play a variety of instruments including tuned percussion, ukulele, recorder, and samba drums. Children also have the option to have brass, keyboard, voice and guitar lessons through the County Music Service. Many children join the school orchestra which runs every Friday morning before school.