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Our Christian Value this half term is... Generosity. 'Each one must give as he has decided in his heart... God loves a cheerful giver - 2 Corinthians 9:7
Our Visitor from Ghana
Falcons Dragon Eyes

Welcome to Steep C of E VC Primary School

Every child deserves a great education and a happy childhood. 'A life in all its fullness' John 10:10.


At Steep every child deserves a great education and a happy childhood. A life in all its fullness John 10:10.


Our school motto 'Believe, Persevere, Achieve' is grounded in our Christian values of: Faith, Perseverance and Wisdom.

Faith in our Hearts

Perseverance in our Actions

Wisdom in our Choices

Recognising it’s historic church foundations, Steep is a Christian school serving the common good for children of all faiths and none.  At Steep we are ambitious for all our children and ensure that they enjoy learning and achieve well. Set in an area of outstanding natural beauty, Steep Church of England Primary School's unique learning environment and open and supportive culture enable children to develop a real sense of awe and wonder. Strong supportive relationships, excellent teaching, and an exciting curriculum, capitalise on this, ensuring each child has the belief and determination to succeed, and flourish.

Children in this school have a wonderful start and go on to become confident and successful learning. From the early years onwards, pupils are exceptionally well behaved. They act courteously and are polite.  ...The school is aspirational for all pupils.  They enjoy learning because they experience an ambitious and interesting curriculum.' Ofsted October 2024

'The open and supportive culture of the school means that it has become the school of preference for many families.  This is irrespective of whether they are seeking a Christian foundation or if their views come from a secular perspective.  The growth of the individual in a caring Christian community, that seeks to bring the fullness of life for all, is 'the Steep way.'  SIAMS February 2024


The school will be closed for staff training on the following days this year:

Monday 22nd July 2024

Tuesday 23rd July 2024

Monday 2nd September 2024

Monday 4th November 2024

Tuesday 5th November 2024

Monday 24th February 2025

Open Afternoon Tuesday Oct 22nd 1.30pm - 3.00pm

Contact Us

Steep Church of England VC Primary School 
95 - 97 Church Road
Nr Petersfield
GU32 2DE

Headteacher: Lou Romans
Telephone: 01730 263988
e-mail: adminoffice@steep.hants.sch.uk