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Inspection Reports

Following our recent short inspection in July 2019 we received a letter from Ofsted confirming that the school continues to be good.

In her letter the inspector was extremely complimentary about the school and identified many strengths:

'You provide strong leadership and articulate your vision clearly. Governors share your high aspirations for pupils and drive for improvement.

'Pupils are happy at school and describe their learning as 'fun'.  They enjoy working collaboratively to solve problems and complete the tasks set.  Pupils behave positively in class and apply themselves well to their learning. They talk with enthusiasm about the curriculum. Pupils are kind and courteous towards each other, adults in school and visitors.'

'Parents and carers are extremely postive about the school... All parents who completed Ofsted's online quetionnaire, Parent View, said that their children were well looked after at school and make good progress.'

'You and your leadership team have a clear understanding of the school's many strengths, which include the wide range of enriching experiences that enhance the curriculum for pupils.  These contribute to pupils' high standards of achievement in English by the end of Year 6.'

Click here to view the full report

As a church school we also have a Statutory Inspection of Anglican Schools (SIAS) which graded the school as outstanding in 2016. SIAMS inspections are no longer graded and instead judge whether or not a school is living up to its foundation as a Church School.  Our latests resport indicates that we are living up to our foundation as a church school and identifies the many strengths of our school.  You can read our latest SIAMS inspection report by clicking on the document link below.