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Design Technology

Design and Technology at Steep exercises children’s creativity and imagination through the designing and making of products.

Children research and develop design criteria to inform their design, using sketches, diagrams and computer aided design to show their planning stages. The products the children create are functional, innovative, appealing and fit for the purpose intended. They construct and make their products using a wide range of tools across a selection of materials and components. Practical skills are taught progressively through the school enabling children to build upon their prior knowledge and skills base with each project. Design and technology connects to other curriculum areas such as maths, science and geography allowing children to apply knowledge learned in other areas. Children learn how to evaluate their products and then use their technical knowledge to develop and improve them further.

During their time at Steep children experience a range of design and technology projects spanning the areas below.

· Textiles

· Food and nutrition

· Mechanisms (wheels, axels and pulleys pneumatics)

· Structures (creating stable structures)

· Electrical systems

Planning and Progression