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School Lunches

School Meals School meals are cooked on the premises by the Hampshire Catering Service, HC3S.

Children choose from a vegetarian or meat option each day. At present over 50% of the children take these nutritionally balanced hot meals. Find out more at www3.hants.gov.uk

All infant children are entitled to free school meals. Juniors pay for their meals a week or half term in advance. The sum required is notified at the end of the preceding term. The meals are priced at £3.00 per day.  Families in receipt of Income Support/Income-based Job Seekers Allowance are also entitled to free school meals. The school office can answer any questions about applying for this.

Children who do not wish to have school meals may bring a packed lunch but please note that we have children who suffer with severe nut allergies so please do not give your child nuts, peanut butter or other nut based products in their lunch boxes as we are a NUT FREE SCHOOL

Free milk is available for all under 5s in school as part of a Government-funded scheme. From the age of 5 children can continue to have milk daily at an approximate cost of 14p per day. This can be ordered directly by parents through ‘Coolmilk’: www.coolmilk.com.

Infant children have the opportunity of having a piece of fruit at mid-morning break, provided free through a Government-funded scheme. Junior children are allowed to bring fruit from home.

Children are asked to bring a bottle of fresh drinking water for use during the school day. Bottles are available from the school office.

Lunch Menu