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Support for Parents

Being a parent is incredibly rewarding, but it isn't always easy ...and yet there is no training to prepare us for the role.  We do the very best we can, learning from our own experiences and from each other.   Sometimes though that is not enough. There is support out there!  In Hampshire extra support can be provided through a range of partner services including Primary Behaviour Service,  Early Help Hub, the school nurse and CAMHS.

There are is also some great free online courses available here www.inourplace.co.uk  for parents, grandparents and teens.  Using the access code: FAMILY you can set yourself up with a lifetime's access to the materials. 

'See it differently' is also a great resource helping us as parents understand the impact arguing has on our children https://www.seeitdifferently.org/ 

Keeping our children safe

When is it safe to leave children at home on their own? 

Talking about safe and healthy relationships:


Primary Behaviour Support

Primary Behaviour Support offer help and advice to schools and to parents when children's behaviour is challenging us.  (see also 'behaviour' tab).

School Nurse

Referals to the school nurse can be made by the school or from parents directly.  The contact details for the East Hampshire schools nurse is:

Phone: 02382 311221

Email: SHFT.EHSchoolNursingAdmin@nhs.net 

ChatHealth Text Advice Service for Parents 07507 332417


CAMHS stands for Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services.  You can access their services through self referal, through your GP or through the school. 


CAMHS together project

Early Help Hub

Early Help services in Hampshire aim to identify as early as possible if a child or family need to support in order to help them access the services they need.

This is achieved with many support services working together to offer a child, young person or family 'the right help at the right time'.

East Hampshire is one of eight multi-agency hubs.  The hubs are coordinated by the Family Support Service (FSS) and involve a range of practitioners who contribute to the local Early Help offer.

FSS is part of the 'early help' provision for Hampshire run by the County Council for families with children aged 0 to 19 years (or up to 25 for young adults with learning difficulties and/or disabilities) to provide a joined-up, whole-family service to those who need it.

Educational Psychology Service

Hampshire and the Isle of Wight Educational Psychology Service offer a telephone helpline if any parent/carer or staff member is concerned about a child's wellbeing and needs some advice.