The Funnybones Circus
Name those bones
Van Gogh inspired self-portraits
Finding a collection of real bones in a dark and mysterious box created a learning bonanza for the children. What are they? Who and what do they belong to? Why do we have bones?
The book ‘Funny Bones’ was used as a catalyst to promote learning about the basic parts of the human body. Do bones really help us to stand up? Are all bones the same?
They children learned a fantastic vocabulary focussed song about the different names of bones we have in the human body and took inspiration from Van Gogh to draw and paint their own self-portraits.
Moving on from bones, the children learned about other parts of their body including their fantastic elastic brain and how it helps us develop our growth mindset and work through the learning pit.
The Robins also looked closely at senses and how our bodies let us move and develop new skills.
To celebrate our bodies and the amazing physical skills we can do, Robins finished their topic with a funny bones themed circus skills day. Juggling, diabolo, plate spinning, twirling, riding a unicycle, balancing objects and teamwork activities were all on offer!