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The Ugly Bug Ball

eric carle(1)

Once a lonely caterpillar...

The pet caterpillars have arrived! Each child will have a responsibility of naming and looking after their own new class pet. The Very Hungry Caterpillar will encourage Robins to successfully spell the days of the week and remember that they are proper nouns. Eric Carle will influence our collage work in art and design to create some masterpieces! The children will also be developing their technical skills and fieldwork in geography by looking closely at the school grounds for the best caterpillar feeding ground. The life of a bug can be hard…especially for a worm.  Our key text this half term is ‘The Diary of a Worm’.  The children will learn the key features of diary writing and continue to develop their understanding of full stops, question and exclamation marks. From an investigation into worms, the children will explore the concept of measures, solve problems and begin to measure and record length.  After using our computer skills in Microsoft Word the children will be preparing invitations for our finale of an ‘ugly bug ball’ class assembly.

The Diary of a Worm

Doreen Croinn

Do you know the days of the week in order?

Let's get Thinking!

I can give reasons why a worm is not a vertebrate.

Create a tally chart using Microsoft word identifying Steeps insect population

Apply your knowledge of how Eric Carle illustrates to create your own ugly bug masterpiece

Design a map of the school grounds showing both human and physical features